Explore our extensive residents and alumni database, or browse through the Open Archive. There is more to come, for example, concerning the Open Studios scheduled for April 2021.
The website has been created by Tomáš Celizna, a designer based in Amsterdam. He has designed and developed websites, publications, visual identities, and software applications for cultural, architectural, and educational institutions and organisations, including, among others, the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, PLATO Ostrava, or Krabbesholm Højskole in Denmark. An occasional curator, he has co-curated three editions of the International Biennial of Graphic Design in Brno, an international platform focused on graphic design for over fifty years. Celizna is a tutor at the Graphic Design department at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, since 2011.
The website stems from the new visual identity of the Rijksakademie, designed by Julia Born and Mevis & van Deursen that we launched earlier this year as part of our 150th anniversary.