Residency 2025/26

Open Studios Talks Programme

During Open Studios several resident artists presented a reading, gave an artist talk or organised a round table discussion. The talks are now available online:

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Brief summaries

Collectivity from the RAIN network to the lumbung
Hosted by Tropical Tap Water and friends with Rijksakademie alumni and documenta fifteen/lumbung members Ade Darmawan, Gertrude Flentge, Reinaart Vanhoe, and Yazan Khalili.
Reflecting on different questions around institutional and grassroot networks, the group reflects on RAIN and lumbung. RAIN is the network of (visual) artists' initiatives from countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, set up by former residents of the Rijksakademie (2000-2004). Lumbung is the collective practice and network of collectives and artists in documenta fifteen.

Lumbung process: Majelises and the common pot 
With: Ade Darmawan, Gertrude Flentge and Lara Khaldi  The curators speak about the practice of lumbung, the majelis and what it has come to mean to share a common pot within documenta fifteen.

Starting from the middle
With: Prof. Iris van der Tuin, Dr. Ilse van Rijn, Dr. Marija Cetinić, Ola Hassanain and Ohad Ben Shimon
Roundtable about the threshold between art and research explored from a feminist epistemological standpoint of contemporary practitioners and about the work of care for both the art and research communities in their practice(s).

Sharing practices in documenta fifteen
With: Jessica de Abreu and Mitchell Esajas (Black Archives), Eszter Szakács (Off Biennial), and Reinaart Vanhoe
The lumbung members reflect on the collective process so far, the different majelises and working groups they have been part of. They also speak about their ecosystems and collaborations for their documenta fifteen projects.

Evocations, Electric Dub Station Series.
Tracing Indigo Roots, Migration and Decolonisation Through Textiles

With: Christel Vesters, Lipika Bansal, Iva Jankovic and Antonio Jose Guzman
A presentation and a debate tracing the different historic ‘roots and routes’ of Indigo across the globe, exploring how these migrations are meaningful in our material cultures today and how they are represented in the decolonial work of Antonio Jose Guzman.

Can we reflect our aspirations for better futures on to the built environment?
Drawing on this question as a prompt, René Boer, Ola Hassanain and Winnie Herbstein explore ways of thinking through the built environment. In addressing sovereignty, architecture and ownership, they wish to reconfigure (or mend) the space of our social relations.

What's a chicken like you doing in a place like this? An unnecessary sharing of two and half years of study.
Daniel Aguilar Ruvalcaba is a Mexican political cartoonist and anti-capitalist entrepreneur currently doing a residency at the Rijksakademie.

One day a guide will show tourists through the ruins of a prison and say: look, this is the place where in this and this age people were locked up for years and years and the tourists will turn away their faces in disgust and walk to the nearest bar for an espresso to wash away the bad taste.
With: Veronique Aicha, Arna Mačkić and Robert Glas. Taking the film 1986, Or A Sphinx's Interior by resident Robert Glas as a point of departure, both the accountability of architects and possible alternatives to current penological practices are discussed.

sharing of research on consciousness. (not deep)
Sungeun Lee is an artist from Seoul, Korea. Interested in understanding consciousness and making friends.
